Your First Visit


You can enter our parking lot from Maple Ave. or Kay Dr.  Follow the green arrows below and find a parking spot. For all of our services, you will enter through the sanctuary doors.


Clothes. That is the only thing we ask. We are much more concerned about what is going on inside of a person than what clothes they wear on the outside. Feel free to come just as you are.  On a Sunday morning, we will see everything from a suit to jeans and a T-shirt.


Children are important at Coburn. During both of our services, we offer childcare in our nursery for children birth-4 years of age. Our nursery is located upstairs.  When you drop your child off, you will receive a pager (similar to what you get a restaurant when there is a wait).  If there are any problems while you are in worship, those caring for your child in the nursery will page you. 

During our 9:30 am service, the children are invited to come forward for a special message designed for them (it happens relatively early in the service).  When the message is over, children ages 4-12 are invited to attend Junior Worship, where they will participate in a worship service designed just for them.


9:30 AM - This worship service takes place in our church sanctuary.  It is a combination of traditional and contemporary in nature.  People sit in pews.  We sing hymns and choruses that may be familiar to you if you grew up in church.  Music is accompanied by our organist and pianist, as well as our Praise Team. Our choir ministers during this service from Labor Day to Memorial Day.  We deliver a weekly children’s message.  We sing, pray, take up offering, and our pastor offers relevant teaching to help you live life with a purpose.  This service is typically 60-75 minutes.


If you  visit is on the first Sunday of the month, we will be celebrating Communion.  In our church, Communion is open to all.  You do not have to be a member of our church to participate.  When our pastor invites us to Communion, he says, “Christ our Lord invites all who love him, who repent of their sin, and seek to live in peace with one another.”  

During our service, Communion is typically served in the pews.  Our ushers will bring plates of bread and pass them through the pews.  After everyone has received a piece of bread, our pastor will invite everyone to eat the bread together.  Likewise, the ushers will pass small cups of grape juice.  Once everyone has been served, we will drink together.


We ask our guests to not feel obligated to give during our time of offering.  Our worship service is our gift to you. Our members give each week so that we can offer this gift to you. Offerings can  be placed in the drop boxes  at the back of the sanctuary by the doors.  


Feel free to contact us if you have more questions of concerns. On Sunday mornings, we encourage you to stop by the Welcome Center, located just inside the sanctuary entrance on the left.